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Cold craft beer brewed for you! Wine, cider, vodka seltzers, non-alcoholic options, craft sodas, juice and CBD drinks.


Food trucks, snacks, live music, Wednesday trivia, Sunday yoga, ping pong, darts, corn hole, TV’s, dog friendly & unique events.

Don’t be an outsider,

immerse yourself in the local community

that's why we created lauderale brewery

more than just beer

Unique events, live music, yoga, dog friendly. A local destination to chill & be free.

drink with purpose

Build your social tribe, make new connections, be part of a community.

grow with us

Our customers feel like they’re part of something bigger than just beer.

Google’s highest rated brewery in Fort Lauderdale

"Great vibes, and lots of locals. Pet friendly and they have food trucks for food. Good amount of beer selections and they also have wine! The staff members were amazing. "


"Great place to get together with friends, have drinks and just have a good time"


we got you,

heres the plan

to just frickin chill!


Check the beer menu & calendar of events


Call a friend or come find new ones at LauderAle


Show up and unwind.

LauderAle Brewery, the Cheers of Fort Lauderdale, brews more than just exceptional beers, we craft locals. With a staff that treats longtime friends and fresh new faces like family, it’s hard not to feel right at home. Our focus is to bring a local vibe to everyone. “Localize Yourself” isn’t just a slogan, it’s our invitation for you to be you, unwind, and enjoy the company of friends. Finding your tribe may feel overwhelming, and we believe everyone needs to be part of a community. Discover your new favorite getaway, right here with us. Welcome to LauderAle Brewery.

award winning beer

unique events

relaxing & fun atmosphere

Click here to get directions, and in the meantime signup for our newsletter.
Drink with a purpose, become part of our tribe.

First beer’s on us,
just give us those digi's!